Master Peace InnerG Arts
Temple Style Tai’Chi, QiGong, Mindfulness,
Cultural Movement and
Wellness Programs for All ages and Levels!

Custom 1 on 1, Small or Large Group Classes!
Virtual or In Person Instruction
Add an InnerG Session to your next Event, Retreat, or Professional Development Training
Discounts for Patreon Supporters
Order a copy of the Tibetan White Crane Chi Gung DVD
Learn more about the Wu Chi Tao Rejuvenation System as explained by the late Grandmaster Sunyata Saraswati and demonstrated by Sifu Santos.
Get your InnerG up!
Incorporate practical Ways to bring greater awareness and more energy into
your every day life.

Tai Chi & InnerG Tune Up Intro Class:
Reconnect with your InnerG: Inner Guru, Inner Greatness, Inner Galaxy! This class will be an intro to Tai Chi, Qi Gong (“breath work”), and Mindfulness to strengthen the body, increase flexibility, balance, mental clarity and heart health based on the Wu Chi Tao Rejuvenation Arts System. Regular TaiChi practice aids in stress reduction, stabilizing metabolism, aiding chronic arthritis, increasing mental clarity & concentration, and improving blood circulation. Rejuvenate your mind, body, spirit, and soul!

Intermediate & Advanced TaiChi, Qi Gong, Gung Fu, & Cultural Movement
Participants should have basic familiarity with energy cultivation, and traditional martial fundamental stances. This class is ideal for learning Taichi’chigung forms for cultivating greater innerG and learning more dynamic forms, footwork, and two person drills.We define Gung Fu as Consistent work and cultivated skill over time. Applying this we will be drawing Influence from Classical and Non Traditional TaiChi, Xiaolin and Taoist Gung Fu styles, Wushu Fundamentals and Calisthenics to strengthen confidence, coordination, reflexes, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, as well as exploring fundamentals in other African/Indigenous InnerGy & Martial Movement Systems (Martial Arts and Dance)

Master Peace Program! Mindful Moves & Gung Fu for Youth
Youth will learn Mindfulness, meditation, affirmations and other techniques to fortify self esteem, Self Defense, Self Protection, Safety, Awareness, and breathwork, and also to self regulate behavior. Participants will explore their sensitivity to their environment, others, and themselves via the breath and “listening” activities.Other outcomes include learning to self-correct and self-regulate internal and external conflict, to become more familiar with physical and etheric anatomy. We will learn terms in language(s) of Origin including Mandarin, Spanish, Kiswahili, Japanese, and explore African and Asian philosophies of Wellness and Collectivity for T.E.A.M building, problem solving and More.
Tai’Chi’Chi’Gung and dynamic Meditation for Reiki and InnerG Practitioners

This class focuses on Chi InnerG cultivation, circulation, and projection for Reiki and other healing modality practitioners. Also helpful for massage and bodywork practitioners.

Intro to the Tantra of Self and S.acred E.nergy eX.Change
Explore the harmonization of the Masculine and Feminine InnerGies within, how to direct and circulate the Life Force InnerG for Creativity, sensitivity, Spiritual Cultivation, and enhanced sensuality.
- Custom Private 1 on 1 or Small Group Sessions Available
- Seasonal Workshops and Retreats
- Organizational Team Building & Wellness for Professional Development
*Instructor Reserves the right to refuse instruction per discretion
Get your InnerG up!
Attune to the Greatest version of yourself through Chi’Gung, Traditional and non-classical Taoist, Yogic, and Afrikan based movements. Subtly stretch and open up the InnerG pathways in the body. Gain a greater awareness of the Breath. Melt drama and stressful vibes away! Incorporate practical Ways to bring greater awareness in your every day life. Have fun!

About the Instructor:
Sifu “Santos” has been studying and practicing Tai Chi’Chi Gung, Gung Fu, and Meditation (Kriya, Tantric, Taoist) for 20 years. Apprenticing under the late Grandmaster Sunyata Saraswati, Santos received his Black Sash- Instructor level authorization in 2010 from Master Sunyata under the “Shen Tao Innergy Arts” System, focusing on Tibetan White Crane Temple Tai’Chi Qi Gong, 5 Animal Style Gung Fu, Tantric Kriya Yoga, and various Chi and Nei Gung sets. Santos continued his journey in the Arts traveling to Southern China learning Yang Style Tai Chi and was introduced to the Lao Chen Style by Scholar and Masterful practitioner of the Chinese and African Martial and Longevity systems, Mfundishi Nganga Tolo Naa (
Other noted Instructors and guides include: Sifu Joseph Lloyd, Greensboro, NC- Patient Tiger Kung Fu, Tracy Henderson, based in Dayton Ohio; Sibok Shen Tao Innergy Arts, Sifu Huen Shen Tao; Sifu Lester Holmes and Dr. George Xavier Love of Blue Dragon Qigong System based in South Florida, founder of the Tai Chi Connection, and Sifu Instructors and practitioners of the Shen Tao Innergy Arts, Wu Chi Tao Rejuvenation Arts, and Nei Wei Chia Kung Fu Systems (Texas)
“First you study and learn with proper guidance and consistent effort. The arts then become a practice. Over time with consistent effort, these arts become a WAY of Life! Cultivate your InnerG, Master your Peace! -Sifu Santos

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Leave one of our workshops with insight, tools, and understanding of your power in the world. Starting with self and expanding on a local, national, and global level.
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